This mixed chopped salad is a new take on the traditional chopped salad and even a cole slaw. The base is a mix of multiple vegetables including cabbage, carrots, zucchini and bell peppers, but it adds in fun things like red grapefruit and herbs like cilantro and basil, to give it that fresh Thai flavor. The dressing is also quite different using tamari, dates, and cashews. The salad is completely vegan, requiring no meat, but some can always be added as wanted.

Key Takeaways:

  • This salad is a fresh completely vegan salad with interesting ingredients
  • Cashews, basil, and cilantro help give it the Thai flavor along with the ginger.
  • Adding in red grapefruit gives it nice pink blush as well as needed acid.

“Shredded carrots have a firm crunch and sturdy bite that rivals all other vegetables, and when they get thrown in a mix like this glorious salad, they are an essential supporting player.”

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