The vegan lasagna recipe was very intriguing. A very creative take on lasagna incorporating clean eating staples into the recipe is great. I particularly liked the cauliflower and coconut milk recipe. The fact that tofu was included in the recipe is awesome. Protein without actually having meat added. I wasn’t particularly fond of the actual finished products look though. It didn’t look very appealing to me. Not having melted mozzarella on top was something I missed. Overall though good job.

Key Takeaways:

  • This is a smoke and mirrors version of Italian lasagna alla bolognese but with a Vegan twist.
  • The most difficult part of the traditional recipe to replicate is trying to find a vegan version of mozzarella cheese
  • Blending tofu with cauliflower makes a pretty convincing substitute for ricotta cheese.

“The secret to this convincing version is to offer up familiar textural and flavor cues so that you’re less likely to notice what’s not there.”

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