Cooking with traditional methods is definitely making a come back. Open flames, original vessels and doing it in the open are a growing trend. This recipe takes that idea and uses a Tunisian vessel known as a golla to make this stew. The golla is jug like object that is used to bake this and adds a bit of that clay flavor to the stew. The stew itself is hearty with lamb, boiled eggs and ras-al-hanout, a spice mixture popular in these areas of Africa.

Key Takeaways:

  • Desert cuisine is simple to make but has complex flavors.
  • It is possible to make the stews at home in your own cookware.
  • The ingredients are readily available in most areas and are healthy.

“Without an enchanting golla of my own, I prepare my stew in a sturdy cast iron pot, which I cover tightly and transfer to the oven to cook slow and mellow.”

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